Web Design Services

Web Design Services in India

The world is getting digital with more than 4.62 billion active internet users, and this count is increasing each and every second. In this world of digitization, web design services play a significant role in the creation and maintenance of aesthetically pleasing and functional websites. The sudden increase in internet users over the past ten years has led to a rise in demand for these services, which is expected to continue. An attractive user interface (UI) adds more value to the reputation of any organization or business. In today’s digital landscape, each and every business is focusing on establishing a strong online presence through the creation of websites and online e-commerce stores. To stand out in the first row, it is essential to design a website in a user centric way. You can rely on Dazonn Technologies to provide you with expert web design services.

Significance of Web Design Services

Establishing a strong online presence requires a user centric website. Developing an easy-to-use and visually appealing website is also crucial for a better engagement rate and brand building. The user experience on a website improves with increased visual appeal. Web design services are essential to the creation and upkeep of an appealing website. Your company’s ability to expand may be hindered if you provide excellent goods and services but fail to adapt to the evolving digital environment. An excellent user experience is always beneficial in helping users remember a specific website. Therefore, a visually appealing, attractive and professional website is the most important way to reach potential customers.

Expert Web Design is Essential

A distinctive UI/UX design is essential to making your website stand out to your target audience amid the vast ocean of millions of websites. Hiring a reputable web design company is essential for a unique and professional website design. A highly ranked website is essential to expanding your brand’s reach and improving scalability. To give your company a competitive edge, a unique website and homepage require the expertise of a skilled web designer.

Dazonn Provides Affordable Web Design Services

We are aware that webdesign services is very costly. Don’t worry, We offer pocket-friendly and customized packages for web design. Get the most cost-effective experience along with the best services in the field of web design with us.

Expand Your Enterprise With Us

Customized Website Design

We provide exceptional web design services because our website design team of professionals is known for their proficiency in their field. We know, how to create user-friendly websites and provide the best page experience. We offer customized website designs for various industries, including:

Why Build Your Website with Our Best Web Design Company?


Customized Websites

We start the design process by understanding your needs and requirements. After getting your approval, our team will put together a plan specifically suited to your objectives, and we'll get to work following your directions. We take care of the functionality, design, and SEO services to your exacting standards.

web development pocket friendly services

Pocket-Friendly Prices

Our website design services are reasonably priced, making them available to small and expanding companies alike. In this cutting-edge era, we want to build a digital place for you without letting cost stand in the way.



We focus on developing well-designed websites that are SEO-friendly, fast loading speeds, are mobile responsive, and are accessible. Following Google’s guidelines, we ensure the website is optimized for search engines with an attractive user interface.



In our web design services, transparency is our first priority. You will understand each and every step of the website design process. For you to monitor the development and traffic to your website, we will set up a Google Analytics account. Documenting project decisions, processes, and workflows is part of our commitment to transparency.

Website Design Packages In India


Start-Up Web Development Package

In India or USA, freelancers will charge 5 to 25 USD per hour depending on their skills, Experience and time required to end project.

Small Business Website Development Package

For small agencies the cost will be  up to 200 to 1000 USD per month which depends on the size and aptitude of the agency.

Ecommerce Website Development Package

A medium to large-size agency will cost up to 1000 to 5000 USD/ month Depending on the competitiveness and intricacy of project.

Web Design Services, We Conclude

Front end development
Custom Website Design
Back-end development
Responsive Web Design
Web development - SEO friendly content
E-commerce Website Design
Web development architecture
Landing Page Design
Analyse audience
User Interface (UI) Design
Web development - UI/UX
User Experience (UX) Design
Prototyping and Wireframing
Maintenance and support
Usability Testing

Understanding Your Business for a Preferable Website

As an experienced web design company, we know every business has its own individual requirements and specialties. To create a user centric and visually appealing website, it is essential to completely understand the business concepts, ideology and long term goals. Presenting your company in a professional way online increases its online visibility.

Importance of Understanding Business

The website design agency you are selecting to design your website interface comprehends the idea and concept behind your company. It would be simpler for them to create an excellent user centric interface for your website. We are aware of these concepts as a provider of web design services.

Business Analysis's Significance in Website Designing

1. Identifying Target Audience

Understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviors of the target audience and creating user personas are made easier with the help of business analysis. Furthermore, conducting an audience analysis before designing a user-centric design approach is always beneficial.

2. User-Centered Design Approach

Business analysts play a crucial role in adopting a user-centered design approach. It serves as a guide for analyzing user data to identify problems, preferences, and behaviors. This information is used to create wireframes, mockups, and prototypes that offer a seamless and intuitive user experience.

3. Competitive Analysis

Our aim is to help you secure first place in the race. So, identifying your competition and incorporating practices that make you unique and attractive is always beneficial for your business to scale up quickly. Business analysis helps you understand the innovative features of successful websites in the same domain.

4. Risk Management

Analysis eliminates risk for the business and prepares it for future endeavors. finds potential hazards and difficulties that could have an impact on the project. develops strategies to lower risks and ensure a project’s successful completion. With risk management, a business can grow at a rapid rate without any hurdles.

Forgot About Business Analyses Before Creating A Website? Make An Analysis Now

Has your website launch gone unaccompanied by a business analysis? For your website, it's never too late to perform one. Dazonn provides the best business analysis.

UX and UI Design

Building a website that is user-friendly and provides an exceptional experience is the ultimate goal of UX design. The primary focus of user interface design, or UI design, is on the color schemes, typography, layout, and other visual components of websites. The potential financial benefit of having a user-friendly website with superior UI and UX is illustrated by the following statistics:

    • According to recent studies, websites with intuitive user interfaces may see at least a 200% rise in conversion rates.
    • When there is inadequate UI and UX on a website, 39% of visitors leave.
    • Over 50% of users will leave a website if it is not mobile-friendly.

Web Development Packages


Website Development Package
  • Upto 5 Pages
  • Logo
  • Slider
  • Dynamic Website
  • One Email Account – 500 MB
  • Testimonials
  • Gallery Section
  • Dummy Content Addon
  • Social Profile Link
  • Click to Call/Email
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Login Details Will Be Given
  • Delivery in 3 Days
  • Support – 10$/Hour

Small Business

Website Development Package
  • 10 Pages
  • Logo
  • Slider
  • Dynamic Website
  • Woo commerce Integration
  • Two Email Accounts – 1GB Storage
  • Testimonials
  • Gallery Section
  • Chat Feature
  • 18$/Extra Page
  • Social Profile Link
  • Click to Call/Email
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Login Details Will Be Given
  • Delivery in 7 Days
  • Free 4 Hours Support
  • Support – 10$/Hour


Website Development Package
  • Up to 50 Products
  • Logo
  • 15$/Extra Page
  • WhatsApp Chat Integration
  • Social Media Profiles Integration
  • Social Profile Link
  • Payment Gateway
  • Extra Support – 10$/Hour
  • Revisions – 2 (Per Page)
  • Call/Email/Chat Support
  • Login Details Will Be Given

Find a Free SEO Consultant Here

If you are thinking of making your business more visible on Google, then you may find a free SEO consultant at Dazonn technologies. We will help you with the best SEO Services Packages in India and USA. Get a free deliberation session with the highly experienced team and customize your package as you want it.