How Can Google Ads Help You Advance Your Business Goals?

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Your business can benefit from Google Ads by building brand awareness, driving sales online, in-app, and over the phone, and influencing consideration.

Google Ads help more people know about your brand. These ads target specific users based on their info and what they search for. So, even if folks aren’t ready to buy yet, they’ll see your ads and start recognizing your brand. This is crucial because, at the start, people are just looking for information, not necessarily to buy.

By giving them answers to their questions early on, you build trust. So, when they’re ready to buy later, they’re more likely to pick your brand. Discover how to advertise on Google in this guide. You’ll learn how to optimize your campaigns and cover platform-specific features and how can google ads help you advance your business goals.

How Can Google Ads Help You Advance Your Business Goals

What is Google Ads?

You (the advertiser) pay per click or impression (CPM) on Google Ads, which falls under a marketing channel called pay-per-click (PPC). Ads on Google are an effective way to attract customers looking for products and services like yours to your business.

In addition to increasing your website traffic, Google Ads   can  increase your in-store traffic. Google Ads can help you advance your business goals by building brand awareness, by driving sales in person, online, in-app, and over-the-phone and by influencing consideration of your offerings.

How Google Ads Work?

When you know well about how google ads help you advance your business goals then Brand awareness is one of the most significant benefits of Google Ads. User demographics and search history are used to target ads to specific users. The right users will see your ads if they meet the right criteria, helping to spread brand awareness. Brand awareness is imperative for targeting the upper levels of the sales funnel.

The goal of this stage is to educate people on how to solve their problems, but not necessarily to buy something. At this stage, you can build trust and goodwill by answering the customer’s questions. The more prepared they are to buy, the more likely they are to be chosen as a solution provider as they move down the funnel.

With Google Ads, you are able to directly reach people searching for your solution who are more likely to make a purchase. A customer is in the consideration/conversion phase of the sales funnel at this stage. Due to the fact that 87% of shoppers begin their purchase journey online, appearing in their first search results can significantly increase your online and in-store sales.

Also, Google Adwords can influence your customers’ decisions to consider your products and services. It achieves this by targeting people who are familiar with your brand and searching for your solution but haven’t visited your website recently. Your offerings will be compared with those of your competitors through this feature.

Google Ads Can Help You Advance Your Business Goals In Many Ways

1. More Website Visitors

Google Ads gets more people to visit your website. Imagine it like a signpost that leads folks looking for what you offer straight to your online store. This can help more people learn about your business and might lead to more sales.

2. Better Online Visibility

It’s like making sure your shop window is visible to anyone passing by. Google Ads makes sure your ads show up when people search for things related to your business. This means more people see your business and might check it out.

3. Trackable Result

Google Ads gives you a scorecard. You can see how your ads are doing and how many people are coming to your website because of them. It’s like keeping score in a game.

4. Flexibility

It’s like picking the right fishing spot. Google Ads lets you choose where and when your ads show up. You can make sure they’re seen by the people who are most likely to be interested in what you’re selling.

5. Cost-Efficiency

Instead of spending a ton of money on big billboards or TV ads, you can set a budget with Google Ads. Plus, you only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad.

6. More Leads

Google Ads helps you find potential customers who are actively looking for what you sell. Think of it like finding people who are already interested in buying.

7. Boosted Brand Awareness

It’s like putting up posters around town. Google Ads gets your brand in front of people who might not have heard of you before. This can make more people aware of your business.

8. Increased Sales

When more people who want what you have see your ads, it can lead to more sales. It’s like having a shop on a busy street.

9. Competitive Edge

Imagine being the first store on the block with a big “SALE” sign. Google Ads can help you reach potential customers before your competitors do, making your business look like the go-to choice in your industry.

Getting Started with Google Ads

1. Define Your Goal:

Start by deciding what you want Google Ads to achieve for your business. Do you want more people to visit your website, call your business, or come to your physical store? Knowing your goal is like setting the destination for a journey.

2. Know Your Audience:

Think about the people you want to reach with your ads. Are they local customers or from different parts of the world? Understanding your audience is like knowing who you want to talk to on your journey.

3. Choose the Right Ad Type:

Google Ads offers different types of ads, like signs along the road. Each type serves a specific purpose:

1. Search Campaigns: These show your ad when someone searches on Google for things related to your business.

2. Display Campaigns: These use pictures or visuals to make people more aware of your brand.
Shopping Campaigns: They showcase your products when people search for them online.

3. Video Campaigns: You can use videos to promote your business on platforms like YouTube.

4. App Campaigns: If you have a mobile app, you can advertise it to potential users.

5. Discovery Campaigns: These work well when people use Google on their mobile phones.

6. Setting up Google Ads is like planning a trip: you choose your destination (goal), decide who you want to travel with (your audience), and pick the right mode of transportation (the type of ad) to get you there effectively.

Google Ads Best Practices

The reasons your Google Ads aren’t performing are numerous. But, before we dive into those, let’s cover some Google Ads best practices and about google ads help you advance your business goals .

1. Use a PPC Planning Template

PPC planning templates from Google and HubSpot allow you to see exactly how your ads will appear online. They also let you know your character counts, and manage your campaigns all at a glance.

2) Avoid Broad Keyword Terms

Test and tweak your keywords regularly to make sure you’re hitting the mark. If your keywords are too broad, Google will place your ad in front of the wrong audience, resulting in fewer clicks and a more expensive ad spend.

It might take more than one time to find the right mix, but you should keep adding, removing, and tweaking keywords until you get it right. Review your results to determine which keywords are generating clicks, and adjust them to best match your ads with your target audience.

3) Don't Run Irrelevant ads.

Your search engine marketing campaign will be ineffective if your ad does not match what the searcher is looking for. There must be a match between your headline and ad copy, and you need to market a solution that addresses the pain point that the searcher is facing.

Use the split-testing feature to determine which ads are most effective or, better yet, consider Google’s Responsive Search Ads to get the results you’re looking for with just a few tweaks.

4) Improve Your Quality Score (QS)

Depending on your Quality Score (QS), Google will display your ad at the top of the search engine results page (SERP) if you have a high QS.

If it’s low, you’ll see fewer eyeballs on your ad and a lower conversion rate. The Quality Score is provided by Google, but it’s your responsibility to improve it.

5) Optimize Your ad Landing Page

The experience your users have after clicking your ad is just as significant as the ad itself.

Are you optimizing your landing page for conversions once a user clicks your ad? Does it answer your user’s question or solve their pain point? Through the conversion process, you should ensure that your users have a seamless experience.

Boosting Brand Awareness with Google Ads

You will attract better talent if your company has a powerful brand, and customers will be able to find you more easily. Customers are more inclined to buy from companies they know and trust. Therefore, if you do not already have an established brand, now is the perfect time to get started.

Google ads help you advance your business and brand visibility has a number of key benefits, including:

1. Drive Sales- By Building Brand Awareness

Boosting your brand will help boost sales. Consumers are more likely to choose brands with strong corporate reputations when considering purchases within a specific category.

Spend some time developing a strong brand image to win more customers over similar products offered by competitors.

2. Get Leads- By Driving Sales In-person, Online, In-app, And Over-the-phone

You can get repeat customers when you gain their loyalty, but it does not guarantee they will purchase your products again even after you win their loyalty. Brand awareness can help. You are frequently mentioned; at least some customers will continue buying your products because they recognize your brand.

This increases customer loyalty, which helps drive sales. Moreover, your company will more likely gain loyal customers if your current customers share their experiences with potential upcoming customers.

3. Increase Website Visits

A website or blog that grows organically is more likely to succeed in the long run. This is in contrast to one that advertises, guest blogs, or uses any other technique to increase traffic.

Hiring (SEO agency) and working on search engine optimization can produce much better results than paid advertising.

Influencing People Through Google Ads

Your company’s visibility in your target market is crucial to increasing sales. Here are some strategies to increase brand awareness.

1. Create A Tagline

Taglines make your brand stand out in prospects’ minds. An effective tagline should explain what makes your business unique and why you are the right choice over your competitors. Employees should be familiar with the company’s tagline to use when communicating with customers or potential leads.

2. Make Social Media Work For You

Increasing consumer interest in your product or business through social media is a fantastic way to generate sales. Use channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest to reach potential customers.

3. Build Awareness

People are more likely to buy from you if they recognize your company name and logo. If they don’t recognize your company name or logo, they will have difficulty remembering what makes you different and why they should choose you.

To ensure that you are known and trusted by all levels of the industry, you need a strong marketing and advertising presence in your target market.

Poor customer service can damage brand awareness. Since customers remember a positive experience with a company when thinking about future purchases, poor customer service can damage brand awareness.

4. Promote Your App

In terms of app promotion, there is no limit to what you can do. Take the time to create a solid app acquisition strategy just like any other traditional product launch.

It is more important to attract quality users to your application than quantity, so ensure your advertisements are tailored to your target audience. And how can google ads help you advance your target reach.

Hire Google Ads Agency for PPC Services

If you are considering hiring a Google Ads agency for PPC services and want to learn more about how Google Ads Help You Advance Your Business Goal, we are here to help you every step of the way.

Our team of experts at Dazonn Technologies is dedicated to helping you harness the power of Google Ads to achieve your business objectives. (know more)

Feel free to contact us with any questions or to discuss how we can effectively support you in moving your business forward.


Ritika Sharma

With 6 years of experience, Ritika Sharma is a talented content writer at Dazonn Technologies with a focus on SEO and website development. Ritika combines technical skills with creative elegance. She has experience with copywriting, WordPress, content marketing, local search, SEO, and Semrush and…

Dazonn Technologies

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